About Us

At Petals Private School, Lagos, our objective is to promote academic learning and knowledge and to deliver unparalleled quality of education.

What We Offer

Standard Learning Environment

At Aquinas schools, we provide secure and adequate conditions for effective learning, and Extracurricular Activities

Social learning

We nurture our students in the process of developing their self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life successes.

Experienced and Dedicated Staff

Our Teachers are teachers who have had at least three successful annual assessments against the Fully Certified Teacher professional Standards

School Values

Our values include resilience, aspiration, determinance, tolerance, respect and team-spirit. These provide an excellent framework for teaching children.

Who We Are

We are the best leaders in foundational education.
We provide our students with the best which include :

    Conducive, safe and well-ventilated learning environment

    Well-equipped and modern laboratories

    Best value School

    Extracurricular Activities

    Tight security measures for our children's safety

    Dedicated and disciplined staff

    Constant records of academic prowess

    Promotion of responsible behaviour and attitudes

Vision Statement

To make Aquinas the best school for quality education, great academics and laudable behaviour.

Mission Statement

To empower our graduates with the resilience and wisdom to create Economic wealth for self, family and the community Having due respect For integrity and honour.

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8 Elias Lane, Kemberi, Okokomaiko, Ojo, Lagos.